Coffee review

strengthening management Learn more about strengthening management

  • On the Management Countermeasures of spice and Beverage Industry

    On the Management Countermeasures of spice and Beverage Industry

    Since 1997, the spice and beverage industry in China has changed its concept, found a correct orientation, faced the market, reformed itself, established a development model of the trinity of scientific research, development and tourism, and organically combined scientific research, development and industry. to achieve a sound development mechanism of promoting and developing according to the needs of the market, relying on the achievements of promotion and development, and relying on industrial management to nurture scientific research. Through reform, fragrant drinks

    2015-08-13 About spices beverages industry management countermeasures
  • Yunnan coffee industry development policy Yunnan coffee brand promotion

    Yunnan coffee industry development policy Yunnan coffee brand promotion

    People's governments of various states and cities, provincial committees, offices, departments and bureaus: in order to thoroughly implement the relevant arrangements of the provincial party committee and provincial government to promote the development of key industries, promote the healthy development of the coffee industry in the province, and speed up the promotion of the coffee industry to become bigger and stronger, with the consent of the provincial people's government, we now put forward the following suggestions: first, the overall requirements (1) the guiding ideology for the comprehensive implementation of the 18th CPC National Congress and the 10th CPC National Congress

    2017-07-15 Yunnan coffee industrial development policy
  • Pu'er Coffee Industry Federation held

    Pu'er Coffee Industry Federation held

    Peng Yuanguo fully affirmed the work of the last coffee industry federation. He asked the new coffee industry federation to take on the important task of promoting the development of the industry and be a good adviser for the party committee and government. Timely feedback on the needs and opinions of enterprises, put forward new ideas and measures to promote industrial development, provide first-hand information for the decision-making of the municipal party committee and government, and provide good services for the development of enterprises. Pay attention to the line

    2014-04-27 Pu'er City coffee industry federation held Peng Yuanguo last
  • 90 Cafe Entrepreneurship talk about how to strengthen the operation and ensure the quality of life

    90 Cafe Entrepreneurship talk about how to strengthen the operation and ensure the quality of life

    Jiajia and Pig (pseudonym), born in the 1990s, have been like-minded since they met in college. Soon after graduating from college, they got a marriage license in the envy of everyone. As the families of both sides are still relatively well-off, the two have already paid off the house with the help of their families at the beginning of their marriage. Later, the two decided to start their own business and opened a small cafe in Pujiang Town, Shanghai. Because of the good environment, they competed.

    2015-03-18 Cafes start-ups talk about how grow operate guarantee life quality later
  • Starbucks in China

    Starbucks in China

    Since entering the Chinese mainland market in 1999, Starbucks has more than 700 stores in more than 50 cities in China, and plans to have 1500 stores by 2015.

    2014-07-18 Coffee shop operation Starbucks Chinese market
  • Low-altitude coffee beans are softer. Are there many defective beans in low-altitude coffee?

    Low-altitude coffee beans are softer. Are there many defective beans in low-altitude coffee?

    Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) low-altitude areas have inherent restrictions, does not mean that there is no room to improve quality. We can use shade trees to reduce the temperature and sunshine intensity of the coffee park. Another trick is to strengthen nutrition management, which can also reduce summer.

    2019-02-02 Altitude coffee beans comparison coffee beans defects more beans
  • Four tips for running a coffee shop common sense of coffee shop management

    Four tips for running a coffee shop common sense of coffee shop management

    The prerequisite for the success of the coffee shop is that the owner has superior conditions, which can bring the whole cafe full of vitality; at the same time, the whole staff, under the leadership of the owner, give full play to their personal abilities in order to strengthen the efficiency of the organization. Tips for choosing coffee beans Coffee raw beans must be divided

    2015-04-10 Management coffee shop four items tips common sense
  • Coffee shop management training staff training tips for coffee shop clerks

    Coffee shop management training staff training tips for coffee shop clerks

    If the lecturer keeps talking and talking, there is a lack of interaction with the students. Then the students are in a state of passive acceptance, it is difficult to harvest and permanently cherish the training memory, and get the satisfaction of superior participation. In this way, the training can not be like a formality, and the monotonous and boring form of training will certainly make the staff feel boring and disgusted. The editor summarizes several training tips as follows: (1) one-on-one

    2015-04-10 Cafe management training staff coffee clerk trick if lecturer surging
  • The export of Pu'er coffee beans hit a record high in the first half of the year.

    The export of Pu'er coffee beans hit a record high in the first half of the year.

    Since last year, the Pu'er entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has further strengthened its daily supervision in the light of the international market and the quality of coffee bean exports in the past, bringing all coffee export enterprises into the scope of supervision, and inspection and quarantine cadres go to enterprises regularly to help enterprises establish a quality management system. From planting, management, picking, processing, warehousing to packaging all operate in strict accordance with the relevant control system

    2016-11-09 In the first half of the year Pu'er coffee beans exports re-creation history new highs since last year
  • Coffee shop managers and human resources policy

    Coffee shop managers and human resources policy

    Coffee shop managers and human resources policy 1. How to use part-time staff flexibly. two。 The support system for the relevant logistics departments should be established. 3. The preparation time for formal service personnel should be used effectively. 4. The guidance of the official moderators must be strengthened. The second is to pay attention to the improvement of the working environment, in the assignment of work tasks, should pay attention to the following points. 1. This job should be done by

    2016-12-19 Coffee shop management personnel human resources policy coffee shop manpower
  • The export of Pu'er coffee beans hit a record high in the first half of the year.

    The export of Pu'er coffee beans hit a record high in the first half of the year.

    Since last year, the Pu'er entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has further strengthened its daily supervision in the light of the international market and the quality of coffee bean exports in the past, bringing all coffee export enterprises into the scope of supervision, and inspection and quarantine cadres go to enterprises regularly to help enterprises establish a quality management system. From planting, management, picking, processing, warehousing to packaging all operate in strict accordance with the relevant control system

    2016-12-12 In the first half of the year Pu'er coffee beans exports re-creation history new highs since last year
  • How to operate a coffee shop? how to transfer to an independent coffee shop?

    How to operate a coffee shop? how to transfer to an independent coffee shop?

    It doesn't take a large customer base to feed an independent cafe. Recently, Qi Ming, founder of Pulan Coffee Institute, said at a seminar on the management and development trend of independent cafes held in Beijing. The small venue was crowded with coffee industry practitioners from all over the country and coffee lovers who planned to open a shop. Qi Ming believes that independent cafes

    2015-07-10 Coffee shop the way of doing business how play around independent
  • Pu'er Coffee: build a Brand and enter the Market

    Pu'er Coffee: build a Brand and enter the Market

    "during this Pu'er trip, we saw the great potential of the Pu'er coffee industry and look forward to further cooperation with excellent local enterprises in international and domestic trade and brand building." This is the high praise given to the coffee industry by the Austrian enterprise delegation when they came to Pu'er for an inspection.

    2014-06-03 Coffee news coffee brand Pu'er coffee
  • Yunnan Coffee Enterprises build Rural Public Service platform

    Yunnan Coffee Enterprises build Rural Public Service platform

    To establish a set of effective platform model of rural socialized management public service system, which is popularly called party-building cooperative. Xiong Xiangren said that Hougu has implemented land transfer since 1998, and cooperatives have been established in the form of land circulation and anti-lease. At that time, the cooperative had two brands and a set of people, that is, the group leader of the villagers was the chairman of the cooperative.

    2016-12-27 Yunnan coffee enterprise building rural public service platform
  • "False promise!" Howard condemns Starbucks 'former management!

    Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has strengthened his influence on the company in his third stint at the helm, Bloomberg reported. Howard Schultz criticized former management in a video given to employees on April 15.

  • Management and Service of Cafe Human Resource Management of Cafe

    Management and Service of Cafe Human Resource Management of Cafe

    First, the use of organizations to promote the operation of cafes in the actual operation of cafes, but also through the organizational system, the use of human factors to complete various tasks. And under the mutual division of labor and mutual coordination, we can give full play to the overall team spirit and promote the operation of the cafe. The operation of modern cafes must be able to keep abreast of the rapidly changing market intelligence and the management rules of the cafe itself.

    2014-09-19 Coffee shop operation coffee shop management coffee shop marketing
  • Pu'er Coffee-- shaping the Brand "sharpening the knife to the Market"

    Pu'er Coffee-- shaping the Brand

    To improve the quality of Pu'er coffee in the second half of 2013, Pu'er newly planted ecological coffee garden of 70, 000 mu, coffee area has reached 716000 mu, put into production of 340000 mu, output of 45000 tons, agricultural output value of 780 million yuan; export of 36000 tons, earning foreign exchange of 79.32 million US dollars. There are 386 coffee enterprises registered for industry and commerce in the city, with more than 247500 coffee employees, and the newly established farmers' coffee professional contract.

    2014-08-29 Pu'er coffee
  • The advantage of joining Kulang Coffee is obvious.

    The advantage of joining Kulang Coffee is obvious.

    Do you want to invest in the coffee project? Kulang Coffee to join the project, is undoubtedly a good choice for many people to start a business, such a project, really different from the general project, Kulang coffee after the market strict test, fame is very great. Do you want to invest in the coffee project? Kulang Coffee joining project is undoubtedly a good choice for many people to start their own business. such a project is really different from ordinary projects.

    2014-07-12 Cafe management Kulang Coffee Cafe joined
  • Cultivation techniques of small Coffee knowledge of Coffee planting

    Cultivation techniques of small Coffee knowledge of Coffee planting

    Prevention and treatment methods: ① strengthen management, reasonable pruning, appropriate shade. ② artificially killed adults and larvae, cut off the damaged branches and burned them in time. two。 Coffee leopard bark moth. It is widely distributed and is one of the common coffee pests, which can harm a variety of cash crops. The larvae overwintered in the branches, and the larvae often ate upward in the branches, forming a tunnel of 30cm to 60cm. Prevention and control methods:

    2015-02-25 Small grains coffee cultivation techniques planting knowledge control methods strengthening management reasonable
  • The elements of success in running a coffee shop, the plan you need to share.

    The elements of success in running a coffee shop, the plan you need to share.

    The competition in the coffee market is becoming increasingly fierce, so in the operation of the coffee shop, we must not wait for customers to come. We need to make some plans to plan the development path of the coffee shop. The following is a summary of the three major elements of coffee shop operation: first, turnover is the most important for coffee shop operators, daily turnover is the operator's greatest concern in the whole process of operation. In order to seek tube

    2017-05-07 Run one cafe success elements to do plan share